Questions from a blog reader in Lebanon
Hello! Just to say a few things about me, I am 26 years old man from Lebanon, and I have graduated in Computer Science (The American University of Beirut), and work within the IT domain ever since. I am now obtaining a degree in psychology.
Concerning your Tech etiquette, I find it very interesting because we're getting into the digital age here in Lebanon and certain standards should be spread and advocated. Maybe this is one of the good ways a great expert (like yourself, and hopefully me later on........) can contribute into making it a healthier and maybe a better world.
I want to pose two points in this regard, and would very much be pleased to contribute in anything you like whenever possible. The two points are (and I know there might be slight cultural "nuances"):-
The first concerns the use of Miss or Misses (Ms. or Mrs.) in the heading of your e-mail when you don't know if the target lady is married or not. What heading is appropriate?
Second, I have a question about the use of "emoticons" at work and whether they are appropriate, especially since it's something that became widely used only with the e-interaction age (e-mails and online chat and blogs).
I look forward to a reply from Laurie or other blog readers.
I remain with my best regards and wishes to everyone!