What to do about a LOUD talker?
There's this person that rides on our local transit bus every morning. She talks and talks and talks. When she stops, it's not for very long. When she speaks to someone that person has to "Jump in and fast" to get a word in edgewise. She is hard of hearing in one ear, so she talks REALLY LOUD and the drivers have tried to get her to quiet down, but they fail every time. I tried non-verbal hand messages and facial expressions to let her know that she should stop talking, but it doesn't work. What should I do? How could this woman be so unaware of how rude she is?
-Mallory from Washington
A blog reader's response...
There are times when honesty is the best policy. Why don't you sit next to her and when she starts a conversation with you, tell her, "I am tired and I do not want to have a conversation. I want to sit here in silence." If she starts talking to you, say it again. Other people on the bus who overhear you saying this to her will probably copy your words the next time she starts to talk to them.
-David Harris
There are times when honesty is the best policy. Why don't you sit next to her and when she starts a conversation with you, tell her, "I am tired and I do not want to have a conversation. I want to sit here in silence." If she starts talking to you, say it again. Other people on the bus who overhear you saying this to her will probably copy your words the next time she starts to talk to them.
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