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Are you a good boss?

Are you rude to your assistants?

FACT: The #1 reason people quit their jobs is a bad boss or immediate supervisor.

FACT: At any given time, over 50% of the working population is thinking about leaving their job. Those who decide to stay cite an excellent relationship with their boss and the enjoyment of their work as their reasons to stay.

CONLUSION: Bosses who appreciate and value their Assistant’s efforts on a daily basis maintain a lower employee turnover rate and a higher productivity rate than the bosses who don’t. Why? Because employees who are appreciated and valued for their work respond by valuing and appreciating their bosses. The result is employees: 1) stay at their job longer, and 2) work harder because of the recognition they receive from their boss.

Take the Boss Evaluation Quiz. Are You a Good Boss?

1) Do you give positive feedback to your Assistant on a daily basis?

2) Do you ask your Assistant for his/her opinions and suggestions?

3) Do you clearly define job duties and deadlines so your Assistant knows how he/she fits into the scheme of things?

4) Do you find opportunities to praise your Assistant in public?

5) When something goes wrong, do you give your Assistant time to explain what happened before you rush to judgment?

If you answered “Yes” to all 5 questions – You are an “excellent boss” who is a wonderful role model for your company. You recognize the importance of positive interpersonal relationships in the workplace environment and how those relationships connect to the overall success of your company.

If you answered “Yes” to 3 or 4 questions - You are a “satisfactory boss” who should consider making some changes if you want to raise the motivational level of your employees, achieve professional success, and retain your current assistants.

If you answered “Yes” to 0 to 2 questions – You are a “bad boss” who is rude to your assistants, reducing productivity and promoting employee turnover. You should get help in the area of interpersonal communication skills…immediately!

I am an Office Manager/Executive Assistant to the CEO. I know that I will leave my current job as soon as I have a worthwhile new offer. My boss is sometimes difficult to get on with. His manner can be disparaging and it is evident that previous assistants had left for the same reason. I am shocked to discover that many bosses regard their employees as if they had proprietary rights over them and their well being. Just because you sign their paychecks, does not mean you own their lives and certainly not their opinions.

When upper-level management treat their staff in a disparaging and unprofessional way, the relationship between them is destroyed irrevocably. The effects may be quiet, but they are conclusive.

It has been, at time, extremely difficult for me to choose to stay on at this job, but I have decided to persist only because it yields some important benefits to me. As I said earlier, as soon as the right opportunity comes along, I will be away. Rudeness should never be tolerated, not in personal relationships (because you care about each other) and certainly not in professional relationships precisely because you DON'T relate to each other at a personal level. Rudeness shouldn't even come into the picture here.

"Tomorrow to fresh woods and pastures new" ~ from As You Like It.
My mom needs to tell her boss that "abuse is not the way to run an organization"...but unfortunately she is afraid of losing her job so she just remains a "Doormat". How do your employees feel about you? Are a good boss or bad boss? Ck out dailycents.com at http://blogs.dailycents.com/?p=824
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